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emmy design – Vintage Fashion made in Sweden

Avatar of CaroCaro - 06. May 2017 - Werbung, Vintage Fashion

Werbung /// Es gibt Menschen, die man sofort ins Herz schließt. Emmy aus Schweden ist definitiv so ein Mensch. Seit 7 Jahren gestaltet die sympathische Schwedin schöne, hochwertige und authentische Vintage Fashion, die jede Frau jeden Tag tragen kann. Aufgrund ihrer Figur hatte Emmy selbst Schwierigkeiten, Kleidung zu finden, die zudem auch noch wintertauglich ist. So beschloss sie selbst zum Stift zu greifen und das Label „emmy design“ war geboren.

Advertisement /// There are people who live immediately in your heart. Emmy from Sweden is definitely such a person. For 7 years, this lovely Swedish lady has created beautiful, high-quality and authentic vintage fashion that every woman can wear every day. Because of her figure, Emmy herself had trouble finding clothes, which fit and are also perfect for the winter season. So she decided to grab the pen herself and the label "emmy design" was born.

Die Thematik kenne ich aus eigener Erfahrung nur zu gut. Daher bin ich immer noch überrascht, dass Emmys „The Miss Fancy Pants Slacks” Hose die erste ist, die ich ohne Änderungen sofort tragen konnte. Auch meine Befürchtung, dass die Hose eventuell am Bauch drückt, löste sich komplett in Luft auf. Allen zukünftigen Bräuten lege ich sehr das „The rock around the clock dress“ ans Herz. Der Stil des Kleides erinnert ein wenig an die 1930er Jahre und lässt sich mit Accessoires sehr schön und individuell gestalten. Ich habe dazu eine Vintage Veilchen Brosche von meiner Großmutter gewählt.

From my own experience I know this subject only too well. Therefore, I am still surprised that Emmy’s "The Miss Fancy Pants Slacks" is the first one I can wear without any changes. My fear, that the pants might pinch my belly, also completely dissolved in air. For all future brides I recommend very much the "the rock around the clock dress". The style of the dress reminds a little of the 1930s and can be styled with personal (and/or colourful) accessories very beautiful and individual. I have chosen a vintage violet brooch from my grandmother.

Die Kleidung von „emmy design“ zeichnet sich dadurch aus, dass die gut geschnitten ist, jede Figur umschmeichelt und alle Figur- als auch Alterstypen fündig werden. Bei der Gestaltung ihrer Kollektionen folgt Emmy keinen Massentrends und orientiert sich an zeitlosem Design. Einige Klassiker wie die „The Miss Fancy Pants Slacks” oder die „The cute as a Button“-Cardigans, die sich große Beliebtheit erfreuen,  werden in jeder neuen Kollektion immer in verschiedenen Farben neu aufgelegt. Die gute Qualität der Stoffe und Wolle sorgen für lang anhaltende Freude der Kleidung, die durch viele liebevolle Details besticht. Dadurch, dass die Kleidung langlebig und nachhaltig ist und Emmy keine Massen produziert, trägt ihre Mode ganz automatisch zum Umweltschutz bei.

The clothing of "emmy design" is distinguished by the fact that it is well cut, flatters every figure, and suits all figurative as well as age types. When designing her collections, Emmy doesn’t follow any mass trends and is based on a timeless design. Some of the classics like "The Miss Fancy Pants Slacks" or "The cute as a button" cardigans, which are very popular, will always be presented in different colours in every new collection. The good quality of the fabrics and wool ensure the long-lasting enjoyment of the clothes, which impresses with many loving details. The fact that her clothing is long-lasting and sustainable, and Emmy doesn’t produce masses, contributes to the protection of the environment completely automatically.

Emmys Sommerkollektion „Heydays and hay days” ist von den 1940er Jahren während des 2. Weltkrieges inspiriert. Viele Mädchen und Frauen in ganz Europa wurden an sicherere Orte aufs Land gebracht wurden, die durch ihre Arbeit die Versorgung des Landes aufrechterhalten haben. Dabei wurden natürlich auch viele Freundschaften fürs Leben geschlossen. Wer darüber mehr erfahren möchte, dem lege ich die britische Fernsehserie „Land Girls“ ans Herz.

Emmy's summer collection "Heydays and hay days" was inspired by the 1940s during the Second World War. Many girls and women across Europe have been brought to safer places in the countryside. There, they have maintained the country's supply through their work. Of course many friendships were also made. If you want to learn more about this, I recommend the British TV series "Land Girls".

In diesem mehr als interessanten Interview erfahrt ihr von Emmy persönlich mehr über ihre Arbeitsweise:

In this more than interesting interview, you will learn more about how Emmy works:

1. How can your emmy design philosophy be described?
emmy stands for high quality 1930's to 60's inspired clothing for women of all shapes and ages. The style is inspired by past decades and kept very classy but is adapted for women of today with for example stretchy materials and clever pockets and all garments are easy to put on and off and easy to care for.
You should be able to get a complete wardrobe from us or just pick a few pieces no matter if you're a retro minded lady that identify yourself with our complete concept or if you're a young trendy girl or a middle age woman just looking for something classy for work or parties.

2. What distinguishes emmy design clothing as a fashion label?
What distinguish us from many fashion labels is that our garments embrace the female shapes no matter your size and we are proud to make our garments in up to 10 different sizes from size 34 to 52 in German sizing. We stand for slow fashion and our garments are supposed to last for years in both style and quality.
Unlike many other vintage inspired brands we make all types of garments for all kinds of weather. Where other focus mainly on summer dresses or party dresses we focus more on every day wear and separates. We also do our clothing in very high quality and keep our style very classy and timeless and would never dream of using skull prints or make our dresses shorter than below the knee.

3. What is especially important to you as a fashion designer when you design clothing?
That the garments should be able to work properly in real life in terms of style, move-ability, quality and that the garments should be easy to wash and that you should be able to wear regular underwear under the garments. It is also important for me when I design to make sure that a collection consist of garments suited for all types of body shapes and in particular hour glass shaped ladies of all sizes.

4. How does the creation process of a new collection look exactly?
I'm more technical than creative in my work methods and when I start with a new collection I often only have a few ideas but when I sit down and collect inspiration material and start drawing I often surprise myself in making far more sketches than we need. I then take help from my sister and co-worker Lisa and from my mother Karin in choosing what sketches will become reality and try to put together a collection that has a bit of everything yet still has a clear concept so that many pieces could be matched together as well look nice on their own. I also keep an eye on statistics of how our previous collections has sold but I don't let that stop the creativity and sometimes a certain type of garment that didn't sell well in the past but that I personally love would sell much better in a new context. I also decide about materials and I design my own prints and sometimes this comes before the sketches and sometimes after. When all garments, materials and colors are set me and my mother start with the pattern making where we create the shape and fit of the garments from scratch. We mainly start off very technical with pattern paper and rulers when creating a pattern but for some type of garments we drape fabric directly on a mannequin. When the first pattern draft is made we sew a sample in plain cotton material and try it on and make all sorts of adjustments. We often have to re-do this process a few times until we are completely satisfied with the look and feel of the garment. Not until then we hand over the work to our manufacturers.

5. Where do you find inspiration for your fashion? Are there fashion designers or artists who influence your work?
I look at details and silhouettes of vintage garments both in real life, in movies and TV series as well as pictures in old catalogues and I also use google and Instagram a lot. I don't follow common trends but I can sometimes spot a micro trend in historical TV-series and in what vintage-bloggers are wearing. It could be a certain color or silhouette that wasn't popular before but that suddenly starts to spread in certain communities. But most times I just let my own personal taste and gut feeling guide me. I do however listen a lot to our actual customers and our retailers when they comment on type of garments they would like to see from us or when they let us know what new colors they would like to get their favorite emmy garments in. 
I find most designers shift a lot from season to season so I could love a certain collection but don't at all understand their next one or I could like a few pieces but not the full concept so I actually don't have any certain favorites. 

6. Is there a motto/theme for the current summer collection?
The Spring Summer 2017 collection is named "Heydays and hay days" and has a romantic countryside vibe to it with some garments in classic striped or plaid cotton and linen materials. It is photographed in the Swedish countryside and styled with traditional Swedish Midsummer flower garlands in the hair and with practical shoes and even rubber boots. My idea for the collection and the styling of the photo shoot was the European city girls that in the wartime of the 1940's moved out to the safer countryside where they worked hard on farms but also gained new friends.

7. Are there certain pieces that are particularly popular with the customers?
Our separates such as pants and cardigans and especially our very high waist pants "The Miss Fancy Pants Slacks" and our waist short cardigans "The Ice Skater Cardigan" and "The Susie Q Cardigan". They are classics that we do in new materials and colors every season and no matter how many we do, most sizes and colors sell out in a flash and customers keep emailing us about those garments all year round. It's a good thing we make new ones every 6 months!

8. Do you think women should generally wear more dresses and skirts again?
I think women should wear what they like and feel comfortable in. But I wish people in general would start paying more attention to what type of garments flatter their figures and that they would seize more opportunities to dress up. And by dressing up I mean wearing well fitted nicely cut garments such as dresses but also blouses, cardigans and dressier pants instead of jeans, hoodies and tunics to work and especially to dressier occasions. I also strongly believe that people would be happier if they wore more happy colors!

9. What fashion do you like privately? Do we find emmy design also in your wardrobe?
I would estimate that my private wardrobe consist of 95 % my own design (I have after all released as many as seven summer collections and six winter collections to this date so I have plenty to choose from). Most of the garments I design are garments that I would want to wear myself so I always have to struggle not to choose the full collection for my own wardrobe each season as there simply wouldn't be room for it. The balance 5 % of my wardrobe consist of true vintage pieces, a few favorites from other brands bought before I started my own brand and a few pieces of nightwear. No sweatpants, hoodies or T-shirts whatsoever!

10. What is your future vision for emmy design?
After 7 years in business we are still a small brand with a struggling economy and always very busy days. A year ago I hired my sister Lisa full time so now at least we are two people in the company. My short time and hopefully realistic goals are to be able to expand and hire more people, get decent salaries and work hours and above all be able to develop the company to be able to make our brand known to even more of the lovely ladies worldwide. I have so many dreams like own concept shops, bigger collections and designing underwear, shoes and garments for men and kids too but it's only dreams at this point and only the future can tell.

Die Rot- und Violettfarbtöne wie Kirschrot aus Emmys aktueller Sommerkollektion haben mich zu einem Rezept inspiriert, bei dem ihr beim Verzieren eurer Phantasie freien Lauf lassen könnt.

The red and violet colouar shades such as cherry red from Emmy's current summer collection have inspired me to create a recipe that allows you to free your phantasy while decorating.

Mandel Mini-Gugelhupf mit Cashew-Guss

Für ca. 6–8 Mini-Gugelhupf (∅ 7 cm, z.B. diese Backformen)

Für den Teig
75 g weiche Butter
60 g Ahornsirup
1 TL Bourbon Vanille, gemahlen
3 Bio-Eier
120 g Dinkelmehl, Type 1050
30 g gemahlene Mandeln
2 TL Weinsteinbackpulver
1 Prise Salz
75 ml Mandelmilch, ungesüßt
etwas Butter und Mehl für die Backform

Für den Guss
120 g Cashews
3 EL Ahornsirup
4 EL Wasser
½ TL Bourbon Vanille, gemahlen
je 1–2 EL Himbeer-, Blaubeer- und Acerola-Pulver

Für die Dekoration
Blaubeeren, Kirschen, Himbeeren
Essbare Blüten wie Flieder, Waldmeister und Bartnelke

Für den Guss die Cashewkerne in reichlich Wasser etwa 4–6 Stunden einweichen lassen.
Backofen auf 175 °C vorheizen. Butter, Ahornsirup und Vanille einige Minuten kräftig mit dem Handmixer aufschlagen, bis die Masse fluffig wird. Die Eier einzeln unter Rühren hinzu geben. Dinkelmehl, Mandeln, Backpulver und Salz mischen und abwechselnd mit der Mandelmilch unter Rühren zum Teig geben. Dabei den Teig nur noch ganz kurz glatt rühren. Die Backform mit etwas Butter einfetten und mit Mehl ausstäuben. Den Teig auf die Mulden verteilen und die Gugelhupfe ca. 10–12 Minuten im Backofen goldgelb backen. Mit einem Holzstäbchen testen, ob sie fertig sind. Auf ein Kuchengitter stürzen und auskühlen lassen.

Für den Guss die Cashewkerne gut abtropfen lassen. Alle Gusszutaten –bis auf die Frauchtpulver – in einen leistungsstarken Mixer geben und sämig-glatt pürieren. Die Creme in 3 Teile teilen und je einen Teil mit Himbeer-, Blaubeer- bzw. Acerola-Pulver einfärben. Die Gugelhupfe nach Belieben mit Guss, Früchten und Blüten verzieren.

Almond Mini Bundt cakes with cashew glaze

For approx. 6-8 mini bundt cakes (∅ 7 cm, cake tin example)

For the dough

75 g soft, unsalted butter

60 g maple syrup

1 tsp Bourbon vanilla, ground

3 organic eggs

120 g spelt flour, type 1050

30 g ground almonds

2 tsp baking powder

1 pinch of salt

75 ml almond milk, unsweetened
Some butter and flour for the baking tin

For the cashwe glaze

120 g cashews

3 tbsp maple syrup

4 tbsp of water

½ tsp Bourbon vanilla, ground

1 to 2 tbsp of raspberry, blueberry and acerola powder

For decoration

blueberries, cherries, raspberries

edible flowers such as lilac, woodruff and barley

For the glaze soak the cashews soak in plenty of water for about 4-6 hours. Preheat oven to 175 ° C. Using an electric hand mixer beat the butter, maple syrup and vanilla for a few minutes, until the mixture becomes fluffy. Add the eggs seperately with stirring. Mix the spelt flour, the almonds, the baking powder and the salt and add it alternately with the almond milk. Only stir the dough briefly. Grease the baking tin with some butter and dust with flour. Fill in the dough and bake the bundt cakes for about 10-12 minutes in the oven. Use a wooden stick to test whether they are finished. Pour on a cake rack and allow to cool. Let the cashews drip well.

Add all other glaze ingredients - except the fruits powders milk - into a powerful blender and blend until smooth. Divide the cream into 3 parts and colour each one with raspberry, blueberry and acerola powder. Decorate the mini bundt cakes as desired with the glaze, fruits and flowers.

Alles Liebe / Lots of love,
Caro ♥


the be my baby blouse, the miss fancy pants slacks, the sassy suspenders, the Susie Q cardigan.violet & pink, the rock around the clock dress: emmy design*

* Artikel enthält PR-Sample/s

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